What is Propolis : Is it Good for My Dog?

What is Propolis? Is it Good for My Dogs?

What is Propolis? Guest Author:  Bruce Harte Everybody knows what honey is, its uses as a food, its health benefits, and that it comes from the hives of honey bees; but in comparison, relatively few people know what propolis is, or have much information about it. This article puts forth information on propolis and explains … Read more

Is Your Tap Water Safe for Your Pets?

Is your tap water safe for your pets?

Tap water often contains impurities that can cause health problems for you and your pets. These include phosphate, nitrate, chlorine, and various heavy metals (see fuller list below). High levels of phosphate and nitrate fuel aggressive algae growth, and copper, often present in tap water due to leaching from pipes, is highly toxic to invertebrates, … Read more

Winter Care for Your Dog

Winter care for your dog is as important as it is in the summer.

Winter Care for Your Dog Guest Writer:   Matt Rhoney Dogs need baths. Even in the winter. Dogs are sweet little honest creatures, and that honesty gets them into some icky situations. You’d think it would be hard to get dirty in the snow—snow is water, after all (shouldn’t that count as a bath?)—but dogs are … Read more

What is Doga Anyway? Yoga for Dogs

What is Doga? Dog Yoga

So, What is Doga, You Ask? Doga (as in “Dog Yoga”) is the practice of practicing doing yoga with pet dogs. Doga practitioners seek to achieve a greater harmony with their dogs through acts of meditation, gentle massage, and stretching. Canine acupuncture and chanting are also known to take place within the occasional Doga routine. … Read more