Baby Orangutans Budi and Jemmi – Cuteness Alert

Baby Orangutans Budi and Jemmi

Beware : Cuteness Alert

Published on Apr 7, 2015

International Animal Rescue (IAR) put this little video together of baby orangutans Budi and Jemmi enjoying a fruit snack of peeled rambatan and guavas in their hammock.

They say that Budi has grown a lot of body hair, due to the very nutritious diet his care-givers are feeding him. He much prefers to eat solid food instead of the blended fruit and vegetables the medical started him on when he first arrived.

Jemmi is also now moving onto more solid foods. Fruit and vegetables are hung in the enclosure and on their hammock to encourage their natural foraging skills.

At the end of the day they both make their way back to their shared hammock in the clinic where they spend the night together.

Click here to learn more about the International Animal Rescue (IAR) and for more rescue videos.

Baby Orangutans Budi and Jemmi - Cuteness Alert


Baby Orangutans Budi and Jemmi - Cuteness Alert! #wildlife #retweet Share on X



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