Hurricane Safety for Your Pets, Make a Disaster Plan

Hurricane Safety for Your Pets

Guest Writer: Katie McBeth

It seems to happen every couple of years: a massive hurricane makes its way through the southern states causing millions of dollars in damage and lost homes and lives.

This year it was Hurricane Matthew, ripping through Haiti before hitting the shores of Florida, and dying out in the Carolinas with massive floods. These natural disasters are terrifying, and every time they arrive millions of families scramble to cover their windows and doors, and evacuate the path of the storm.

Hurricane safety for your pets is about setting up an Animal Disaster Plan that includes them before the next disaster arrives.

Image Source: TriangleREVA, Flickr

Unfortunately, with all the scrambling to protect our families, some members of the family are forgotten or abandoned. Pets often suffer the most in times of natural disasters. Although it is not our intention to hurt them, the lives of humans are often placed over that of our furry friends.

Luckily, there are ways to prepare for the worst and ensure that our fuzzy compatriots make it through, safe and unharmed. Hurricane safety for your pets is about setting up an Animal Disaster Plan that includes them before the next disaster arrives. It can help them make it through these scary times.

Pet First Aid Kit, Large – 50 Pieces

Bounce Energy, an energy company in Texas, has put together a helpful guide to help animal parents protect their pets through hurricanes. From cats to cattle; they cover all the basics for setting up a disaster plan with your vet, boarding facility, or on your land. We can help our pets stay less stressed and alive through intense hurricane conditions if we properly plan ahead.

Hurricane Safety for your Pets

Infographic by Bounce Energy


Katie McBeth is a freelance writer out of Boise, ID


About Katie: Katie McBeth is a freelance writer out of Boise, ID. She spends her free time being the proud mother of three cats and a dog named Toby. You can follow her animal and writing adventures on Instagram or Twitter: @ktmcbeth

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A QUESTION FOR YOU: Do your have a disaster plan in place that includes your pets?

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