Is Your Dog Diabetic? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Is Your Dog Diabetic?
~ Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment ~

Diabetes is a common hormonal disease among dogs 18 months of age and older. Any breed can acquire it, although at increased risk are Springer spaniels, cairn terriers, and poodles. An experienced holistic veterinarian asserts that diabetes affects up to 70% of female dogs. Diabetes is a growing epidemic among dogs, which is why pet parents should be aware of its signs and symptoms, treatment options and activities to help them manage their dog’s diabetes properly. Would you know what to do if your dog is diabetic?

Is Your Dog Diabetic? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Symptoms of Diabetes in Dogs

The following are the most common signs to watch out for to help you understand your dog’s diabetes better.

  • Frequent urination
  • Increased hunger
  • Weight loss/obesity
  • Increased thirst
  • Cloudy eyes
  • Dull or thinning hair
  • Fatigue/weakness
  • Vomiting
  • Depression

How To Treat Your Dog With Diabetes

Your pet’s veterinarian will recommend a diet, which includes high-quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and fiber.  He or she may also prescribe a low-fat diet.  Also, many diabetic dogs will need daily insulin shots (more on this in a bit), which administration you need to learn.

Your Pet Needs a Daily Routine

A diabetic dog needs a daily routine that can keep him active, help him manage weight, and lower his blood glucose level. To make it most effective, your dog should exercise at the same time, with the same exertion level and same length because the key here is consistency.

If you decide to leave the town, make sure your pet-sitting visits meet your diabetic dog needs. In case you’re unsure of how your pet will do with a sitter run a background check to ensure their credentials and have some trial visits.

NOTE: Avoid vigorous and prolonged exercise sessions because it could lead to dangerously low blood glucose levels.  Instead, give your dog a moderate but consistent physical activity daily.

Cats and Feline Diabetes: Symptoms and Treatment

How to Monitor Blood Glucose Levels

A natural vet says that the goal of diabetes treatment for dogs is to maintain a close to normal blood glucose levels ranging from 65 and 120 mg/dl, which is the safe level that will help your pet prevent complications due to the disease.

As a pet parent, you should also learn how to do home monitoring of glucose levels.   Always check for signs, such as excessive urination and others mentioned earlier, and weigh him regularly.

Performing a regular test of his blood glucose level, you can also prevent problems from surfacing later.


  • Blood glucose levels usually increase after meals or if he is sick. It may also rise with improperly timed or too low insulin dose.
  • But glucose level drops after exercise, during fasting, when insulin dose is timed improperly or too high.

Is Your Dog Diabetic? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Maybe Your Pet Needs Insulin?

Before throwing your hands up about giving him insulin shots, you should not worry. Many dog owners can administer these shots to their pets easily.   You only need some time to practice and master how to do it.  After all, most needles are small. They won’t cause discomfort to your pet.  Your integrative pet hospital will also be able to provide you with clear and easy instructions on how to administer the shots.

Diabetic dogs need up to two insulin shots daily given under his skin. The vet may recommend either human or purified pig insulin. Types of insulin shots vary on the speed they start working, the length of time they last, the cost and the time their action peaks. The holistic vet will take all these considerations into account before recommending a specific insulin brand for your pet.

Feeding your Diabetic Dog

Scientists and researchers are still exploring the best kind of proper diet for diabetic dogs.

Many dog experts go for high fiber and low-fat diet recommendations. (Fiber can slow down glucose’s entrance into the blood and can quickly satisfy a pet’s appetite just as what fiber does for humans.)

As a result, your pet will lose weight and keep it off. The vet may also recommend a specific dog food designed for dogs with diabetes or a diet by a vet nutritionist. However, some dogs may refuse particular diets, so you should be careful when making a choice.

While diagnosing dog diabetes isn’t demanding, treating it is essential. Generally, it is a manageable dog disease. Many dogs can live healthy lives and spend countless precious memories with their humans.

Do not panic if your dog has diabetes.  You will be able to provide him the right care and diabetes management with support from a holistic veterinarian. And with your vet, you can be sure that your beloved dog will have more healthy and happy years to come.


“Is Your Dog Diabetic? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

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Is your dog (or cat) diabetic?

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Jeanne Melanson, founder and blogger at Animal Bliss: a very cool blog about animals - domestic pets and wildlife too


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Jeanne Melanson
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4 thoughts on “Is Your Dog Diabetic? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment”

  1. Pets with diabetes look unkempt and act lethargic. Because they lose sugar in the urine, and sugar pulls water molecules out with it, they urinate excessively. I have my pet. My dog was suffering from diabetes. I identified some signs of diabetes such as weight loss, weakness of back legs and vomiting. After complete treatment, he is well now. Your blog is very informative. Thanks for sharing!

    • And thank you for stopping by, Sam. I’m glad you managed to control your dog’s diabetes. I had a friend with two diabetic cats and it was challenging at first. I appreciate your input. Peace


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