How to Keep Your Fish Tank Safe from Children

Keep Your Fish Tank Safe from Children

Fish are fascinating to children but the last thing you want after spending hours setting up a beautiful aquarium is for it to get covered in sticky fingerprints or have your fish terrified by tapping on the glass. So how do you keep your fish tank safe from children?

 How to keep your fish tank safe from children and not posing a danger to them should be a simple case of common sense, education, and supervision.
IMAGE: Creative Commons,

How to Keep Your Fish Tank Safe From Children

1. Get the kids involved in the care of the fish tank

Well, one way ensure you keep your fish tank safe from children is to get them involved in looking after the fish, thus teaching them responsibility and helping them understand why you are telling them not to do certain things.

Let the children help you with feeding the fish and cleaning the tank so they can see it’s a lot of hard work and that caring for fish is an important job. Explain that banging on the glass can cause fish a lot of stress.

If children are involved, they will have a sense of pride in taking care of the fish tank and will advise other children to take the same care in the future. It’s also likely they will lose interest in actually helping after a while, but the lesson will remain learned.

2. Give the kids their own fish to look after

If you don’t want your children near your tank, or it is too sophisticated for them to help realistically, then consider getting them a smaller, simple tank for themselves so they can watch what you do and copy in caring for their own fish.

3. Make sure your fish tank is securely anchored

One of the big reasons for keeping children away from fish tanks is safety, as you don’t want your children to pull the tank over, fall into it, or break the glass somehow. The best way to prevent this is to make sure you take all of this into account when purchasing and initially setting up the tank.

Make sure the tank has thick, sturdy glass or acrylic sides which a child could not smash or break. Check that the material is shatterproof if it were to break, so they are not faced with dangerous sharp shards.

You could also look at getting a fish tank with a stand, that’s sturdy and is of sound quality.

4. Make sure children can’t open the lid

If you have young children who might be tempted to open the top and feed the fish or put their hands in, make sure you have a lock fitted and tell them they must never feed the fish by themselves. Always keep the top down and locked whenever you are away from the tank.

5. Hide all electrical equipment out of reach

It’s important to remember that a fish tank full of beautiful fish is going to attract children to it so making the fish tank safe for them is as equally important as protecting the fish from unwanted attention.

Make sure any plugs, cables, and sockets are all out of sight and protected. If you have a cabinet with your fish tank, make sure all of the electrical equipment is hidden out of sight as far as possible and always keep the cabinet locked.

6. Avoid using too much glass

To keep your fish tank safe, avoid using a glass cabinet to house it, or using glass pipework, as this will be far more easily damaged by youngsters than a solid wooden cabinet and pipework. Also, it reduces the potential danger to the child as well.

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7. Don’t make easy access to your fish tank

If your fish tank is placed at a height, on top of a cabinet for example, then try not to put it somewhere which might tempt children to climb up to get to it, such as next to the sofa or dining chairs.

Keep it in the middle of a room where they won’t be able to climb up to reach in when your back is turned, and face the possibility of toppling the tank over or falling in themselves.

8. Lock away all fish-care products

Children love watching and copying grown-ups at work so while they might enjoy watching you feed the fish or give them medicine or supplements, you need to make sure tiny fingers can’t get hold of this type of product.

The last thing you want is to find your child was trying to make the fish better by tipping a whole can of supplements into the tank for you. Always lock these types of products away from children for their own safety as well as that of the fish.

Knowing how to keep your fish tank safe from children and making sure your aquarium set-up doesn’t pose a danger to them should be a simple case of common sense, education, and supervision. If children understand the risks and issues, they are more likely to take notice than if they just get told to stay away without giving reasons.


“How to Keep Your Fish Tank Safe from Children”

Guest Author: Katie Michael 

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2 thoughts on “How to Keep Your Fish Tank Safe from Children”

  1. Wow! Such a good post. There are some important tips for parents who has little children. Safety is important so one can go through this blog. Thank You.


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