Cool Cats and Hot Dogs: Keeping Your Pet Safe All Year Long

Keeping Your Pet Safe All Year Long

Cool Cats and Hot Dogs

Keeping your pet safe all year long means knowing how to recognize the warning signs of danger for conditions such as heatstroke during hot weather, or hypothermia in winter. The following infographic gives you the basics of what you need to know. It also suggests ideal indoor conditions to keep your pet healthy and comfortable in all seasons.

A word of caution: in regards to shaving your cat or dog. An animal’s coat is designed by nature to keep it cool during the summer and warm in the winter. By shaving your pet you are most likely interfering with this natural built-in temperature regulation, so please seek professional advice if you are thinking about doing this for your pooch or kitty cat.

Cool Cats and Hot Dogs by Cast Iron Radiators 4u
Cool Cats and Hot Dogs by Cast Iron Radiators 4u.


Cool Cats and Hot Dogs : Keeping Your Pet Safe All Year Long #pets #cats #dogs @Radiators4u Share on X



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2 thoughts on “Cool Cats and Hot Dogs: Keeping Your Pet Safe All Year Long”

    • Yes, that’s true. It’s interesting to note the different temperatures that affect us all. Isn’t nature amazing? I’m so glad you stopped by, Kim. I appreciate it. Come back soon! 🙂


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