People Pampering Pets During the Holidays, an Infographic

People Pampering Pets During the Holidays

I recently took part in a survey put out by the BlogPaws Pet Blogger Influencer Community, asking us how much we spend on our pets during holidays.  Here are the results of people pampering pets during the holidays.

BlogPaws Holiday Pet Blogger Influence and Christmas Gift Spending

BlogPaws Holiday Pet Blogger Influence and Christmas Gift Spending

People Pampering Pets During the Holidays

Shopping  Online versus Offline

People are shopping almost 50/50 online and offline for their pet’s gifts.  That seems about right.  Where do you stand on this?  I like having things in my hand before I purchase, so I do a lot of my shopping in stores.

Average Pet Gift Budget

What’s your budget?  According to this survey, more people spend from $50 to $100 on pet gifts.  28% have spent over $100 on a single pet gift.  Some even pay over $200.  I must confess that I’m not a huge fan of consumerism, so I fall in the lower brackets.

Pet Holiday Gift Guide

I was quite surprised to learn that 98% of those surveyed use pet blogs as a gift resource for their pets.  I’d better jump on that band wagon and prepare my blog with a Pet Holiday Gift Guide next season, since 61% of pet bloggers said they planned on producing one for their readers.  Is this something you would use as a resource?

Holiday Cards and Photos

Do you send your Christmas cards with your pet’s ‘signature’?  I’ve been known to add a paw print or two to my correspondence, depending on who was on the receiving end. And, last but no least, 62% of those surveyed said they take photographs of their animals in holiday attire.  I’m afraid my cat, Jessie, would never speak to me again if I attempted to do this.  Jake, the dog, might be a little more forgiving.


And now for something completely different

My Bearded Dragon and I recently won a photo contest where we received some First Aid supplies for her, and a cowboy hat too!  Well, I couldn’t resist that one, so here is a photo of my Shirley in her new cowboy hat.  As you can see, she was thrilled.  It’s not Christmas.  It’s just … her in a cowboy hat.  😆

People Pampering Pets During the Holidays
Shirley, my Bearded Dragon, 6 months old
People Pampering Pets During the Holidays
Shirley, my Bearded Dragon

ABOUT BlogPaws:  BlogPaws is a Social Media Company focused on teaching pet enthusiasts, pet bloggers and all pet parents how to use social media effectively and responsibly. Our dedicated team of professionals works year round to connect our bloggers and micro-bloggers to the brands they buy every day.


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I hope you have enjoyed, “People Pampering Pets During the Holidays – an Infographic

You might also like: Ways to Keep your Pet Safe over the Holidays, Chicken Wire?


MY QUESTION FOR YOU TODAY: Are there any animals you know of that you would like to see featured here on my blog? Is there any creature that you would like to learn more about? Or, do you have a story you would like to submit about a pet you have? I would love to hear from you in the comment section below, or please email me directly at


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Jeanne Melanson



Jeanne Melanson
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7 thoughts on “People Pampering Pets During the Holidays, an Infographic”

  1. email me a nd i send you pic of mykids they are princess and she got her first xmas pic for santa and then king my pom he got hi since he was 1 year old

  2. I do not have a pet but I have friends that spend quite a bit of money on pet gifts and most of the time I see them shopping online for their pets. This is probably because it is more convenient in the office setting.

    I learned a lot today though as I did not know that such a high percentage used blogs to find a pet resource. Good news that you have such an awesome blog. Thanks for sharing.


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