Tech For Your Pets : Apps and Gadgets Infographic

Tech For Your Pets

by Tom Clarke

Statistics indicate that global spending on caring for pets continues to increase year on year. Figures in 2014 were $98.3 billion, and that number is expected to rise to $103.8 billion by the end of 2015. While billions are spent on pet food, there has also been a significant increase in non-edible spending, such as grooming treatments, holidays, day care, clothe,s and toys. It is clear that more and more people are treating their pets as family members, and companies are noticing an opportunity to cash in on this.

Tech For Your Pets : Apps and Gadgets Infographic

Euromonitor has identified three different types of pet owner. Mainstream humanisers who predominantly buy premium brands. These make up two-thirds of owners. Anti-humanisers make up over 20% of owners and generally buy smaller brands. The final group identified are known as extreme humanisers and make up over 5% of owners. This group tends to treat their pets as personal accessories and favor exclusivity and designer outfits for their pets.

How Home Technology is Helping Pet Care

A particular area that has adapted to the growth in pet spending has been the technological sector. There has been a sharp increase in the amount tech for your pets — apps and wearables that target pet owners. Owners can now monitor the fitness of their loved ones, as well as having confidence in the whereabouts of their pets through tracking devices. Feeding and training have even been made easier for the owner, thanks to technological advancements, while there are also an extensive array of play apps available to ensure that your pet is never bored.

At Greyhounds As Pets, we deal with hundreds of pet owners on a daily basis. Speaking with owners, we understand the important role that their pets have within the family. Many believe that technology has given them a better understanding of their pet’s needs, while others praise the flexibility and convenience that apps and technology offer them. For example, you can now manage your pet’s meals through your smartphone or tablet, controlling when, how much and how often they eat. We created this infographic to inform and educate pet owners on the excellent selection of apps and wearables tech for your pets now available for pets.

Tech For Your Pets: Apps and Gadgets Infographic

Tech For Your Pets : Apps and Gadgets Infographic

Guest Author: Tom Clarke is the Marketing Manager at a not-for-profit organization called Greyhounds As Pets. They adopt and foster retired greyhounds into loving homes. He is an avid an animal lover and enjoys researching and creating content that like-minded animal lovers may find interesting. He created the creator of the “Tech For Your Pets” infographic.


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Do you use any tech gadgets for your pets?
What type of apps do you use?

Tell me in the comments below!

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(It’s just sexy!)

Jeanne Melanson, Founder of Animal Bliss, a very cool blog about animals - wildlife and domestic too

Animal Bliss - A really cool blog about Animals - domestic pets and wildlife too.

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9 thoughts on “Tech For Your Pets : Apps and Gadgets Infographic”

  1. There is a new wonderful and exciting world opening up before us at present, and this is the world of pet gadgets. I find it somewhat surprising that this has taken so long to happen – people spend a lot of money on their pets and would be willing pay dearly for the latest toys or gadgets that bring pleasure to their pets. Sure, pets love the simple things in life – dogs get excited at the site of a simple tennis ball. But, there is a whole range of other more exciting products out there waiting to be discovered. And this world isn’t just focussed on the pets themselves – there are also many products focussed on owners that make owning a pet much easier and resolve many of the problems that pet owners encounter on a daily basis. Unless you know where to look I think you would be surprised at just what is available out there.

    • Yes, there certainly are a lot of tech choices when it comes to our pets. As you say, though, dogs get excited at the sight of a tennis ball. One thing that is useful, though, in my opinion, is a pet camera for those pet owners who leave their pets home alone. These cameras can give them peace of mind, knowing what the pet is doing while they’re gone. Thank you for visiting Animal Bliss!

    • Haha! Did I start something? I’m not very ‘techy” and I don’t have a smart phone, so I don’t have any of these gadgets. I like to be hands-on anyway. All that stuff is over my head. Part of being in the older crown, I guess. I glad you visited my blog today! Peace

  2. Cool infographic & awesome apps. I am going to tell a friend in Sydney about Pawclub. (Wish it were available in the US.)

    • Hey, C.J., nice to see you here again! Yep, cool information. A little too much for my brain to take in, though. I have to ask the little kids next door when I want something explained to me like I’m 5. Works every time. 🙂

    • I didn’t realize it either, Scott. I’m not very ‘techy’ and I don’t have a smart phone, so I’m afraid I’m a little behind the times. 🙂 Thanks for visiting my blog today! 🙂


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