10 Ways to Reduce your Dog’s Carbon “Paw Print”

With Earth Day just around the corner (tick-tock ladies and gents, April 22 is the date), this is just the right time to consider exactly how much your dog’s carbon paw print is taking its toll on the earth we live in.

With more than 70 million dogs existing in the United States ALONE (meaning nearly 1 in every 2 households has a dog as part of the family), the practices and lifestyles we lead with our dogs can have serious effects on the environment.

As you’ll see in this infographic from Ultimate Home Life, everything from where and how you first bring Fido home, the products you buy for your dog and how you look after them day in, day out, can make or break whether or not you’re an eco-friendly person, or someone helping in the slowly-but-surely destruction of mother earth.

So, on this year’s Earth Day, make a point, stand up for a cause and start implementing these tips!

Ways to Reduce your Dogs Carbon Foot Print

Reducing your Dogs Carbon Foot Print

Infographic Courtesy Of Ultimate Home Life


Carbon Paw Prints : Helping the Environment, #EarthDay #dogs Share on X


As always, thank you for taking the time to visit my blog!



Are you concerned about leaving carbon paw prints on this earth?
How are you helping the environment?

Jeanne Melanson
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4 thoughts on “10 Ways to Reduce your Dog’s Carbon “Paw Print””

  1. Simply Fantastic Jeanne!! I love this Info graphic & the ideas on it. I just started using an Eco friendly dog shampoo & ear cleaner from BVH Petcare, all natural & biodegradable. Next up is changing to a natural eco friendly Flea & tick product. Slowly but surely I’m making changes in how we live. Sharing!
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them


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