Common Pet Diseases – How to Prevent Them (Infographic)

Common Pet Diseases
and How to Prevent Them

Dealing with sickness can be scary for both the owner and the pet. The sick pet can’t communicate what’s wrong and the owner hasn’t any clue as to what’s happening. Our pets are reliant on their owners to look after them, and an essential part of that responsibility is to learn about animal health and to be aware of some of the most common pet diseases.

On deciding to bring a furry friend into the family, it’s important to educate yourself about how to keep your pet happy and healthy. An issue that can often get overlooked is disease prevention.

Common Pet Diseases and How to Prevent Them
Photo by Benjamin Lambert on Unsplash

As pet owners, we have a responsibility to learn about common pet diseases. If our pet gets sick, they cannot vocalize their discomfort. Therefore, it is up to us to get familiar with the signs of a sick animal. Learning how to recognize these signals means that we can act fast when something goes wrong, and this can make a major difference when it comes to catching diseases early and treating them effectively.

In addition to learning the symptoms of sickness, it is also vital to find out about the measures you can take to stave off a variety of nasty diseases. As they say, “prevention is the best cure” and getting into good habits at the start of your pet ownership journey can ensure your pet’s healthiness in the long-run.

Keeping Your Dog Safe from Outdoor Dangers

A good example of effective preventative measures is daily exercise and a balanced diet which can prevent arthritis. Another example is an annual blood and urine test which can be an excellent way to catch kidney disease in its early, more treatable stages.

If you are interested in finding out more about the most common dog diseases, why not check out the below infographic from Greyhounds as Pets. This super informative graphic provides practical tips on how to recognize the most common pet diseases and also includes some useful information about preventative measures and treatments.

Most Common Pet Diseases

Common Pet Diseases and How to Prevent Them (Infographic)


Many thanks to Greyhounds As Pets for the use of their “Common Pet Diseases and How to Prevent Them” infographic.

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Jeanne Melanson, founder and blogger at Animal Bliss: a very cool blog about animals - domestic pets and wildlife too


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Jeanne Melanson
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