The Cost of Owning a Horse, Care, Maintenance Expenses

The Cost of Owning a Horse

Owning a horse. It’s every little girls dream (and a lot of little boys dreams too). Whether they want to one day become a professional show jumper, dressage competitor or just an all-round animal lover, the cost of owning a horse is an expensive hobby. Firstly, you have to deal with the downright essentials: Buying the horse that you want – this can be costly depending on the horse you want and their background. A trailer/horsebox – if you plan on taking your horse anywhere, you’re going to need a way to transport them. Stables, equipment, vet check-ups etc.

Read this post to get an idea of the real cost of owning a horse, including the cost of care and maintenance.

Image Source: – Creative Commons CCO

That’s just to get started! Then you have food, insurance, lessons, medicine and a whole lot more to pay for every month! Not to mention any unexpected vet bills! It’s expensive, but, just how expensive (on average) is it? Have a look at this infographic to get an idea of the real cost of owning a horse.

(A note to my North American readers: this graphic contains costs in British Pounds. If you’re serious about getting an idea of the costs, here is a link to a Currency Converter to convert the figures into American or Canadian dollars.)


The Cost of Owning a Horse

Source: The Cost of Owning a Horse Infographic is provided by Diamond Trailers

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A QUESTION FOR YOU: Do you have a horse? (Lucky you!) Tell us about it. What did you name it and how old is it?

*** Leave your comment below. ***

(It’s just sexy!)

Jeanne Melanson and Star

As always, thank you for taking the time to visit my blog!


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(Coffee money – thank you!)


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Jeanne Melanson
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2 thoughts on “The Cost of Owning a Horse, Care, Maintenance Expenses”

  1. I have always loved horses, and I am looking into finally buying some. While there are some costs involved, it is so worth it to me. This is some great information to help budget and plan to buy horses. I hadn’t thought of taking into account the cost of trailer maintenance, so thanks for sharing!


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