List of 4 Dog Breeds Most Likely to Bite

Dog Breeds Most Likely to Bite

Maybe you want a companion for your early-morning jogs. Or perhaps you’re thinking about adopting a puppy for your daughter. Whatever your reasons for bringing a dog into your household, you should know that certain breeds are considered more dangerous than others. Here are just a few dog breeds most likely to bite that you should research further before making a decision.

4 Dog Breeds Most Likely to Bite dog breeds most likely to bite


The average human can exert 120–150 pounds of pressure when they bite. The average Rottweiler exerts more than 300. While they can be trained not to attack, they’re much more dangerous than other breeds when they do. Even pit bulls and German shepherds only exert 220-230 pounds of bite pressure. If you judge them by their teeth alone, Rottweiler bites are likely to hurt more than any other kind.

Toy Breeds

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, “toy breeds” such as collies and spaniels are often aggressive towards humans. Specific collections of data have singled out breeds like Shih Tsu and Lhasa Apso especially. However, the AVMA also notes that these bites are less likely to be severe than bites from large-sized dogs, so that’s something to keep in mind when you’re ready to buy or adopt.

Pit Bulls

Pit bulls have a scary reputation, and the statistics back it up. Anywhere from 20–60 percent of dog bites are reported to come from pit bulls. Before you reject the breed out of hand, however, remember that “pit bull” is a broad classification that covers many different types of dog. Certain pit bull mixes are safer than others. If your ultimate goal is to keep Fido out of a pet hospital, be sure to adopt the right kind of pit. Do your research.


You might be surprised to learn that Labrador Retrievers are a common source of dog bites, but it makes sense when you consider their popularity. In Canada, for example, Huskies are some of the most common biters because they are also some of the most common dogs in that country. In the United States, people love Labradors, and this translates into more opportunities for Labradors to bite people. Rarer breeds might be more aggressive on the whole, but since they are in fewer households, their bite statistics are lower.


The dog breeds mentioned here are ones that might need extra attention to keep them non-aggressive, as these are just a few of the dog breeds most likely to bite.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is their training. If you’re committed to their care, it doesn’t matter what breed is listed on their vet forms. Responsible pet owners are much less likely to get attacked than negligent ones.


List of 4 Dog Breeds Most Likely to Bite

Dixie Somers: See BIO below

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Dixie Somers

5 thoughts on “List of 4 Dog Breeds Most Likely to Bite”

  1. What a disappointing article…your title “which breeds are most likely to bite” is a let down on its own. I noticed a comment stating that any dog can and will bite if provoked which is 100% true. It is unfair And irresponsible to label any certain breed “most likely to bite” more than the other breeds.
    When you explained the amount of pressure a Rottweiler exudes, which is true, you are merely explaining just that. You have nothing to back up your statements which are painting these animals in a bad light. Just because of the strength and power this breed is capable of in a bite does NOT mean that it is “ most likely to bite”.
    As a professional K9 handler, I hope to spread the word throughout the world that we as humans need to stop discriminating on any and all dog breeds! Each has their pros and cons, just the same as people.

  2. I dont see chihuahuas on here…they are the worst! I have been bitten by several of the little rats but never by a pit bull, collie, or lab (I have known several of those over the years)

    • I’ve never been bitten by a chihuahua, but I’ve never trusted the little guys so I’m not surprised. I have been bitten by a Pekinese dog once. Thanks for your comment, Danielle. I hope you’ll visit us again.


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