Hidden Conditions Could Make Your Pet Lick Excessively

Hidden Conditions Could Make Your Pet Lick Excessively

Listen to what Dr. Karen Becker of Healthy Pets has to say about how hidden conditions could make your pet lick excessively.

By Dr. Becker

Acral lick dermatitis, or ALD, is an injury caused by chronic licking that leads to inflammation and irritation of the skin.

If the licking occurs in one central spot that becomes thickened over time, it’s called an acral lick granuloma. A lick granuloma is a firm, raised, and ulcerated area of the skin that doesn’t heal because the kitty’s constant attention prevents the open wound from closing. The licking and inflammation make the skin itchy, which causes more licking, and a vicious cycle of licking and itching can occur.

Acral lick dermatitis can occur in any cat of any age and either gender. The condition is much more common in dogs than in cats, but because it can occur in cats and I’ve had requests for a video, here it is!

In addition to itchy skin, other potential triggers for acral lick dermatitis in cats include painful conditions caused by trauma to the skin, arthritis, neuralgia, and peripheral neuropathy. A bacterial or fungal infection of the skin can also trigger itching, as can skin mites, allergies, a reaction to an environmental irritant or toxin, hyperthyroidism, and certain types of cancer.

Diagnosing Acral Lick Dermatitis in a Cat

In diagnosing your cat’s skin disease, your veterinarian should first rule out any potential underlying allergic conditions. A possible allergy to fleas, food, chemicals in your cat’s food, or something else in her food or environment should all be investigated.

A thorough review of potential environmental irritants – including carpet treatments, cleaning products, room sprays, and laundry detergents, as well as water and air quality should all be evaluated as potential root causes for the skin irritation.

Several skin tests are usually … Click Here to Read More …

Hidden Conditions Could Make Your Pet Lick Excessively

Source: HealthyPets.Mercola.com

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It’s just sexy!

Jeanne Melanson, Founder of Animal Bliss, a very cool blog about animals - wildlife and domestic too

As always, thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. 



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4 thoughts on “Hidden Conditions Could Make Your Pet Lick Excessively”

  1. Jeanne,
    We had a dog that licked himself raw and cried. We found out that he had lymes disease. They thought he only had an alergy to fleas, so it went undiagnosed until it was too late and we had to put him down. I agree, you need to find the cause of the problem, not guess. It can be so many serious things!

  2. Hi Jeanne,

    Thanks for this great share! My daughter has cats and one of them was doing this exact same thing! Came to find out it was from a cleaning product. She was beside herself while her cat was healing.

    I have my two dogs and only use natural cleaning products in my home. I give them natural cod liver oil, and they are a great fan of coconut oil as a treat.

    So difficult these days using products and searching for the foods we give our fur babies.

    Thanks for this great share! I’ll pass it on.


  3. Interesting Jeanne. Kelli and I note many dogs and cats excessively licking themselves due to skin conditions, including mange. Thanks for the share.

  4. Good information, as much as possible Hidden conditions must be taking care of specially at pet. Thank you for sharing!


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