Engineer’s Humorous Guide to Cats Video, Things You Never Knew

Engineer’s Humorous Guide to Cats

~ Things You Didn’t Realize You Never Knew About Cats ~

This Humorous Guide to Cats video is, well … humorous.  Especially considering it was done by a couple of Engineers, who are usually portrayed as dry human beings who only care about machines and technology and don’t have time for their emotions. However, in this amusing video we can see their sensitive side. These engineers enjoy their cats’ company. They eat together, sleep together and even work together!  Check it out now.  You’ll enjoy it.

An Engineer’s Humorous Guide to Cats

None of the cats, humans, or engineers (as far as I know), were mistreated in the making of this film.  The cats were however, possibly slightly annoyed.  The dog, Winston, didn’t seem to have a problem with being in the video.  He looked like he was having fun, in fact.

If you’re interested in getting T-shirts and other goodies, go to:  Engineer’s Guide Online Store   (Just so you know, I have no affiliation with them whatsoever.)

P.S.  I didn’t really mean what I said about engineers at the beginning of this post.  Just being flippant.  But that’s just me.

An Engineer's Humorous guide to cats


”Engineer’s Share on X, Things You Never Knew About Cats”]


See also: Diary of a Sad Cat Viral Video, Funny Cat Thoughts We Knew All Along

MY QUESTION FOR YOU TODAY:  What did you think?  Humorous?  Do you have cats … love cats … hate cats … tolerate cats … never gave it a thought?  Go ahead and share with us in the comments section below.  Thanks!  See you down there!

* Please leave a comment below and remember to share. *

It’s just sexy!

Jeanne Melanson, Founder of Animal Bliss, a very cool blog about animals - wildlife and domestic too

As always, thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. 



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