3 Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe on Hikes This Summer

Keeping Your Dog Safe on Hikes This Summer

Hiking during the summer with your dog is an activity that can be fun and exciting for both of you. Despite this, it’s essential to ensure that not only are you doing everything you can to make sure that you’re safe during your outing but that you’re doing the same for your canine companion as well. Following are three useful tips for keeping your dog safe on hikes.

3 Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe on Hikes This Summer

Pack Plenty of Water

It’s certainly no secret that the summer season brings plenty of days when the temperature outdoors can reach uncomfortably hot levels, which makes it a good idea always to make sure that you pack plenty of water. In this case, packing too much is never a bad idea. You will also want to pack a water bowl for your dog as well. Consider investing in a collapsible silicone bowl, as these are easier to pack. Estimate how long your hike is expected to take, and from there, schedule stops so you can give your dog some rest time to hydrate and take a break before continuing.

Keep an Eye on Their Paws

It’s a well-known fact that overheated surfaces can cause damage to a dog’s paws; however, when it comes to hiking in the woods, their paws can become susceptible to scrapes and cuts, which can end up leading to infection if they are not treated. Perhaps the best way to prevent this is to invest in a pair of booties that they can wear before heading out on your hike. If you do not have booties, be sure to make regular stops during your trek to check for any signs of scrapes or cuts on your dog’s paws. Additionally, if you happen to notice your dog either in pain or slowing down during the hike, this is a sign that you should get him to a veterinary hospital immediately. You should do the same if you notice any scrapes or cuts on their paws as well.

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Pick up after Your Dog

While on a hike, your dog will naturally need to go to the bathroom. You may think about leaving it where it is once your dog has finished; however, the exact opposite is what you actually should do. Before heading out, be sure to bring something to pick the poop up with, such as plastic bags or something similar because dog poo contains diseases that can potentially contaminate any local water sources that may be part of your local hiking trail. Therefore, taking the time to pick it up and throw it away is a great way to help protect the environment.

These are only a select few of the many different ways that you can help to protect your dog while the two of you are enjoying an enjoyable hike together. Always take the time to check the conditions of your local hiking trails before heading out, as this will help you to determine what steps you will need to take to help protect your canine companion during your outing.


“3 Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe on Hikes This Summer”

Guest Writer: Emma Sturgis (see BIO below)

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