Manatee Deaths Rising After Increased Dock Permitting

Manatee Deaths Rising

Increased Dock Permitting Dangerous

A new Center report shows that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Fish and Wildlife Service have failed to consider the cumulative impacts of thousands of recently permitted docks, piers and boat ramps on manatees. Boat strikes are the leading cause of death for these slow-moving, gentle marine mammals, killing on average 82 manatees every year.

Manatee Deaths Rising After Increased Dock Permitting
“Manatee at Sea World Orlando Mar 10” by Ahodges7 – Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Collision Course details how the federal agencies have sidestepped analyses that would save manatee lives. Neither agency seems to keep track of how many watercraft permits are issued in Florida.

Our report recommends that the federal agencies and the state substantially reform their permitting regime and require more boater education about — and stricter enforcement of — speed zones.

“The manatee has come too far, and Florida has invested too much, to be undermined by the government’s shortsighted permitting scheme,” said Jaclyn Lopez, our Florida-based attorney.

Read more in the Tampa Bay Times and check out the press release, where you can read the full report.

Manatee Deaths Rising After Increased Dock Permitting
MANATEE, Photo from U.S. Geological Fact Sheet 010-99; FS-010-99. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

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