4 Reasons to Never Wash Your Dog in the Bathroom

Never Wash Your Dog in the Bathroom

While it may not be your dog’s favorite activity, properly grooming your dog is important to their health and yours. Unfortunately, while some might find it most convenient to wash their dog in their bathroom, this may not be the most practical or the safest option. Washing your dog outside with a hose may not be as luxurious as a tub and a showerhead, but in the end, you and your dog will be a lot better off washing in your yard. Here are four primary reasons to never wash your dog in the bathroom. It is a bad idea for both you and your furry friend.

Avoiding Slips and Falls

The New York Times tells readers that over 30 percent of bathroom falls result in a head injury. A bathroom is full of slippery surfaces from soap and water and hard corners from your ceramic tub, floor tiles, bathroom sink, and so on. Slipping in this environment is extremely dangerous, and when your dog gets into this slippery, enclosed space, they often panic. While they’re splashing soap and water everywhere, with paws scrambling to gain traction, you may be knocked off your feet. Or the dog will likely be hitting their legs against hard surfaces and potentially straining muscles as their legs slip out to positions that they were not meant to be.

The bathroom was made for the convenience of humans, and therefore is unlikely to be equipped with the right mats, padded surfaces, and open spaces that would be required for washing a dog indoors. If it’s too cold to wash your dog outside, it may be better to take him to the garage, or a local pet groomer, for the safety of both you and your dog.

Less Stress for Your Dog

As mentioned before, dogs tend to panic during bath time. The enclosed space, bright lights, and slippery surfaces of the bathroom make it a very hostile and stressful environment, and trying to force them into that space is stressful for both you and your pup. The backyard, however, offers open air, good traction, natural lighting, and previously established happy memories for your dog. While not every dog enjoys getting wet, it is much easier to make bath time a game when you take the dog out back, whip out the hose, and spray them down. To avoid them walking around in a muddy environment, consider putting down a mat or keeping them on the patio during the bath. Make sure they are thoroughly dried off before sending them back into the house.

Ultimate Dog Grooming Guide Infographic

Fur Slips Past Your Drain Catch

When you shower, your hair gathers in the drain. Your pet hair does the same thing, and as it is so much shorter than yours, it is much less likely to be caught by the drain catch. If you wash your dog in the bathtub that fur will build up and result in a clog. These clogs are highly prone to bacterial buildup, which can cause problems for the next time you wash your pup, and that filthy water comes right back up. While chemical cleaners can dissolve some clogs, you might find yourself in need of professional drain-cleaning. Technicians use specialized tools like water sprayers, cameras, and snakes to find the clog and safely remove it. If you’ve already been using your bathroom like a dog wash, you may want to consider getting your drains cleaned now to remove any fur that may already be collecting to ensure that clogs don’t develop and that bacteria doesn’t have a chance to take root in your plumbing.

More Hygienic for Everyone

Fur isn’t the only thing that makes dogs ill-suited to share a bathroom. Few people wash their dogs as often as once a week, usually saving it for when they’re very dirty or need special medicated baths. If this is the case, then washing your dog in your bathroom will leave a lot of contamination in the very same place that you no doubt planned to bathe later. Ticks, fungi, and other issues that may have caused you to wash your dog in the first place are well suited to the moist environment of the bathroom, and so that is the last place where you want to introduce them. If you want to avoid picking up their infestations yourself, its best that you and your dog don’t bathe in the same place.

Why risk injury and illness by washing your dog in the bathroom when your dog would genuinely be happier with a bath outside? In the warmer months, a garden hose and a little creativity are all you need to make the job fun and safe for you and your loving pet. If you live in a colder climate, a regular trip to the groomer could save you from the risks of bathing your dog in the bathroom. Your bathroom is not equipped to washing a dog, and honestly, you probably are better off keeping the bathroom for human use only.


“4 Reasons to Never Wash Your Dog in the Bathroom”

Guest Writer: Meghan Belnap is a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family. She loves being in the outdoors and exploring new opportunities whenever they arise. Meghan finds happiness in researching new topics that help to expand her horizons. You can often find her buried in a good book or out looking for an adventure. You can connect with her on Facebook right here and Twitter right here.

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Do you wash your dog in the bathroom?

Meghan Belnap

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