Pet Stairs and Ramps for Injured Pets and Senior Dogs

Pet Stairs and Ramps

Knowing that when you reach home, someone will be waiting for you by the door is one of the best feelings in the world. Dogs deserve the title of “man’s best friend” indeed, as they are the ones who will wait for you by the door every time they sense that you are approaching. Dogs love their humans unconditionally and regardless of the amount of attention you have been giving them lately, they jump on you to throw you out of your stressed day with all they’ve got every single time.

Pet Stairs and Ramps for Senior and Injured Dogs

But the movement of an injured or senior dog is limited and they could fail to climb stairs on their own.  Elderly dogs face issues with climbing the stairs due to joint pain and because they are prone to arthritis in the old age. A practical solution to this is to install pet stairs and ramps so that they could move up and down freely.

11 Ways to Help Your Dog Recover From Surgery

Pet stairs and ramps for injured pets and senior dogs are two perfect solutions for this problem. All you need is to spend a little time training him to use the ramp or dog stairs. Check out this infographic from Top Dog Tips to learn more about pet stairs and ramps, and how you can train them to use it.

We wish to thank for the use of their pet stairs and ramps infographic.

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Jeanne Melanson, founder and blogger at Animal Bliss: a very cool blog about animals - domestic pets and wildlife too


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Jeanne Melanson
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2 thoughts on “Pet Stairs and Ramps for Injured Pets and Senior Dogs”

  1. We have a telescopic dog ramp which is great for packing away when not needed…. Ralph loves the ramp especially to help him get in the car…. training was easy and he used to it while we put the kids in the car he gets up his ramp into he basket….


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