How to Protect Your Cell Phone from Your Pet’s Paws

How to Protect Your Cell Phone
from Your Pet’s Paws

Pets are cute and entertaining. They have some downsides, too, however. They’re sometimes mischievous when left to their own devices. They have paws that can wreak havoc onto many things that are located throughout your place of residence as well. If you want to safeguard your cell phone from your pet’s unpredictable paws, then these options on ways to protect your cell phone from your pet’s paws can do the trick.

How to Protect Your Cell Phone from Your Pet’s Paws

Invest in a Protector for Your Cell Phone

If you want to safeguard your delicate glass cell phone screen, you should invest in a sturdy and dependable protector. There are tempered glass screen products that can do a lot for people who want to steer clear of all sorts of dilemmas. If you worry about your sweet cat scratching your phone screen, the right protector can give you peace of mind.

Get a Security Safe

You don’t have to panic any time you’re unable to closely monitor your cell phone’s whereabouts. If you’re serious about stopping your pet from doing a number on your phone, it can help to use a security safe. Security safes can defend all kinds of items from extensive pet-related damage. They include locks that can stop inquisitive pets from accessing anything as well. Safes can protect pet owners who don’t want to have to pay for unnecessary phone repairs. It can be a good idea to know where you can get your phone fixed if the damage is already done.

Leave Your Cell Phone in a Zippered Handbag

Pets can be resourceful and clever creatures, but they’re not able to navigate zippers on their own. If you don’t want your four-legged cutie to be able to ruin your cell phone screen permanently, you can keep it inside a handbag that has a zipper. It doesn’t have to be a handbag, either. Any backpack should work just as well.

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Shut the Door Temporarily

If you want to keep your cell phone away from your pet’s anxiety-inducing paws, the answer for you may be as simple as closing the door. Don’t freak out if you leave your phone on the table or your desk; simply shut your door for a while. Once you put your phone away securely, you can let your beloved pet back in.


Pet paws are adorable, but also scary to people who own cell phones. Many cats adore scratching things whenever they get a chance. If you don’t want to have to pay for an expensive cell phone screen repair, then these strategies can work out for you.


How to Protect Your Cell Phone from Your Pet’s Paws

Guest Writer: Rachelle Wilber (see BIO below)

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