When Animals Attack – It’s often a dumb human’s fault [Video]

When Animals Attack

It’s often the case that a human is at fault when animals attack, whether it’s through stupidity, ignorance, or just plain bad luck.

Following is a short video compilation of animals attacking.

To be honest, some of these are not attacks, per se. They are simply animals reacting to the circumstance.

You’ll cringe at some, and shake your head at most.

The “attack” that happens at 3:00 minutes … well, that was kind of dumb, wouldn’t you agree?


“When Animals Attack”

I hope you have been educated about what not to do.

Tell your friends.

It may save a hand.

Or a head.


When #Animals Attack - It's often a dumb human's fault Share on X


It's often the case that a human is at fault when animals attack, whether it's through stupidity, ignorance, or just plain bad luck.






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Jeannie Melanson, Animal Bliss Blog

Jeanne Melanson


Jeanne Melanson
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