4 Healthy Habits to Extend Your Dog’s Life

4 Healthy Habits to Extend Your Dog’s Life

Ideally, you want your dog to live as long as possible. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to make sure that your animal lives to his maximum lifespan. Some of these steps include taking your dog to the vet and making sure that he gets regular exercise. Following these four healthy habits to extend your dog’s life are so easy and it will be worth it to have your dog live to his maximum lifespan with you.

4 Healthy Habits to Extend Your Dog's Life

The Importance of Regular Vet Visits

You should aim to take your dog in for pet consultations at least once a year, thus allowing a vet to do a thorough examination of the animal to ensure that he is healthy.  Any issues discovered can be rectified before they cause serious pain or discomfort. During your pet consultations, your vet will also be able to provide vaccines that guard against worms or common illnesses. He or she can also suggest ways to rectify any aggression problems or issues related to going to the bathroom in inappropriate spots.

Why Your Dog Needs Exercise

Your dog needs regular exercise both for his physical and his mental health. By taking your pup for a walk, you allow him to hear a variety of noises and take in a variety of smells. Interacting with other dogs and people can also be a plus for the animal. Socialization is especially vital for puppies as it can make them less fearful of people later in life.

Keep Your Dog on a Balanced Diet

Your dog should be kept on a balanced diet to ensure that he doesn’t get too heavy. While it is alright to provide human food as a treat every so often, do not make it a habit. In addition to possible weight gain, the dog may stop eating his regular food in hopes of scoring some of your delicious dinners.

Canine Influenza, Dog Flu is Contagious and on the Rise

Look for Signs of Poor Mental Health

Like people, dogs can suffer from depression and other mental health issues. Therefore, be on the lookout for any changes in personality or in the dog’s eating habits. In some cases, depression could be brought about by a physical issue, so paying attention to a dog’s mood can be an excellent way to detect medical problems promptly.

Taking care of a dog is a lot like taking care of a child. You will need to make sure that he eats right, gets plenty of exercise, and sees a doctor annually. While that can seem like a lot of work, the reward that you get from raising a happy and healthy animal will be well worth it.


“4 Healthy Habits to Extend Your Dogs Life”

Guest Writer: Kara Masterson (see BIO below)

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Animal Bliss is a really cool blog about animals, both domestic pets and wildlife too


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Kara Masterson
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2 thoughts on “4 Healthy Habits to Extend Your Dog’s Life”

  1. We are a retired couple, and we presently have 3 dogs. An yr. old English Mastiff, a 1 1/2 yr. old Texas Heeler, & a 1 yr. old Doberman Pinscher. All females. All spayed. All get along great together. They have 1 acre fenced in with 5′ chain link fence, so they get plenty of exercise. All 3 are very sweet & loveable.

    • Lorraine, it sounds like you have a sweet, harmonious dog family. There a nice combination too. I have to say the English Mastiff is my favorite. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit Animal Bliss.


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