4 Signs Your Pet Might Be Sick – What to do about it

Signs Your Pet Might Be Sick

When you have one or more family pets, you should understand how to care for your dogs or your cats in any situation. This means that you should notice the signs your pet might be sick by recognizing the symptoms of illness in order to assist the animal as fast as possible. Here are four signs that your beloved pet is in distress.

4 Signs Your Pet Might Be Sick

Extreme Lethargy

If your active dog or cat is doing nothing but reclining on the floor, then you should have a concern about the pet’s health. Touch your pet to see if there is a response from the animal. Check the pet’s limbs to determine if the dog or cat is paralyzed. A pet with a major injury or illness may stop moving, requiring immediate attention to overcome the problem.

Excessive Salivation

When a cat or a dog is salivating excessively, this can mean that the animal has an object stuck in its throat or digestive tract. Drooling can also occur when an animal has ingested a poison while playing outside. Or it could mean that your beloved dog or cat has contracted rabies. Make sure that your pets receive a rabies vaccination to prevent this incurable and dangerous condition.

Caring for an Elderly Dog – Senior Dog Health Concerns

Chronic Vomiting

A cat or dog may vomit to get rid of contaminated food or water, and this will usually help the animal feel better immediately. However, if your pet is vomiting frequently or if there is blood in the vomit, then bring the dog or cat to a local veterinary hospital, such as South Seattle Veterinary Hospital, immediately. This is an emergency problem that doesn’t require an appointment, and it could save your pet’s life. Avoid giving your pet anything that could increase vomiting because it could lead to additional damage to the animal’s throat and mouth.

Frequent Urination

If your pet must go outside to urinate frequently or if the animal is having accidents inside your home, the pet may need an examination with blood tests. Cats and dogs can develop problems such as bladder infections, kidney stones or diabetes mellitus that lead to frequent and painful urination.

Understand Animal First-aid Procedures

As a pet owner, you should learn some animal first-aid procedures, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Learn how to care for a dog or a cat that is injured by a vehicle to protect the animal and yourself. You can buy books that will teach you more about pet care, or you could enroll in a pet care class.


“4 Signs Your Pet Might Be Sick”

Guest Writer: Lizzie Weakley (see BIO below)

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