4 Things First Time Dog Owners Need for a Happy Dog

Things First Time Dog Owners Need

Few things bring more joy in life than owning your first dog. By bringing home a dog, you will have a great friend and companion for the foreseeable future. First-time dog owners will need to stock their home with several items to keep the dog healthy and entertained. Everyone knows you need to buy food and a leash. Here are a few things first-time dog owners need that you may not have thought about.

4 Things First Time Dog Owners Need

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Collar & Identification

[amazon_textlink asin=’B0075RW2KC’ text=’Every dog needs a collar’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’animalbliss-blog-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’3cafcc74-a93e-11e7-8bd5-271111858921′] from the moment they come home with you. The collar makes it much easier to control and train your dog when you take them out on a walk. It’s also the perfect place to put their [amazon_textlink asin=’B019G35SF8′ text=’identification tags’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’animalbliss-blog-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’116c83ba-a93e-11e7-a014-591924325560′]. Dogs have a tendency to get loose and run free, so putting an ID tag on their collar with your address and phone number is a great way to get them returned home safe. Both of these items can be purchased at any pet store for about $10 each.


Your dog needs to have some form of entertainment when you’re not home or when they get a little bored. Every dog has their own preference in dog toys, so it is a good idea to get a wide variety of toys when you get your first dog. Once you see what they like to play with the most, then you will know the type of toys to buy in the future. Dog toys can be purchased at any pet store or grocery store for only a few dollars.


Putting a fence around your backyard is a great way to keep your dog entertained and safe at the same time. The dog will be able to get the exercise they desire without having the threat of running away. Your local fencing company will be able to put up a fence in the backyard in a few days, but the price will ultimately depend on the yard size and materials used. Make sure to get a sturdy fence the dog won’t break through, but also make sure that the dog can’t dig beneath it. If you’re unsure about which fence is best to contain a dog, visit a fencing company.

Dog Bed

You would not want to sleep on the floor, so you should not make your dog do it either. A bed provides your dog their own personal space while also delivering a comfortable place to take a nap. [amazon_textlink asin=’B00YORXQWE’ text=’Dog beds’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’animalbliss-blog-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’af6ecc4d-a93e-11e7-bf17-5724d4012a78′] can be purchased at the pet store or drug store. They typically range between $20 and $100 in price depending on the size.

Dog ownership is an extremely rewarding experience that will make you wish you had one much sooner in your life. If you purchase these four items for your new dog, then you’re well on the way to providing them a great life.


What other items would you consider providing your new puppy?

“4 Things First Time Dog Owners Need for a Happy, Healthy Dog”

Dixie Somers  GUEST AUTHORDixie Somers is a freelance writer who loves to write about women’s interests and the home niches. She lives in Arizona with her husband, three beautiful daughters and a spunky Jack Russell Terrier who makes life interesting.


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Dixie Somers

18 thoughts on “4 Things First Time Dog Owners Need for a Happy Dog”

  1. I didn’t know dogbeds were so cheap! I put together a little corner for my dog in my house. I put some older cushions and pillows together, with a bowl of fresh water and dry dog food. I made it in a remote area of the house, so that watching tv or me running my daily errands doesn’t bother my dog while she is kicking back.

  2. I can’t even start imagining anything happening to Cheche (pet dog). Like if a stranger stole him, would they know how he like his food warm and stuff? This was a very useful post.

  3. These are really good tips for new pet owners. I like that you listed having adequate identification first; it’s so important for your pet to have a collar or personalized tag so that you can be contacted immediately if they are found. Nice work! Thanks for sharing this!

  4. Thank you for pointing out that every dog needs identification. I can’t tell you how many times I have been hiking with my dog and see an unattended dog run up to us. It would have been so easy to find the owner if the dog had an ID tag with a cell # on it.

    • I agree with you, Charles. I live in a rural area, and occasionally see dog running alongside roads with no ID tags on them. It’s very frustrating trying to find their home. Thanks for visiting my site. I hope you’ll come again. 🙂

  5. Awww that first photo made me melt! First thing I bought for my puppy was a very important rubber toy that I saw at the checkout in pet store, lol. But I agree with your suggestions, and would add a nice bowl or two (although it might go under food in your intro!)


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