Things You Should Know About African Grey Parrots Diet

About African Grey Parrots Diet

When considering African grey parrots diet, give thought to what they eat in their wild, natural environment. And, yes, they eat fruit and nuts, mostly.

Things You Should Know About African Grey Parrots Diet -

African Grey Parrots Diet

You might believe that all fruits are satisfactory for him to eat and most fruits are safe. But there are many fruits which are not safe for your African grey. Avocado is not suitable for parrots, and neither are the seeds of fruit. Many seeds contain cyanide, and although it doesn’t carry enough to harm a man, your parrot is a lot smaller than you are and, as a result, it will create a great deal of damage.

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You should give your parrot organic pellets as a major food source. Fruits, nuts, and vegetables, cooked or raw are offered more as an additional food source. Birds and parrots as a whole need a lot of calcium and vitamin A, better known as beta-carotene. Green leafy vegetables and mustard greens are an excellent source of these elements.

Broccoli is the best source of both of vitamin A and calcium. By supplying your parrot fresh fruit and vegetables, you certainly will boost his level of immunity, as fresh vegetables and fruit include phytonutrients, known to assist in the promoting immunity and healing power, and is thought to help prevent diseases. You can give your parrot cooked rice and a minimal quantity of cooked (never raw) meat and fish for necessary protein. Rise and meat must not be provided on a daily basis, as in the wild parrots do not eat meat.

Things You Should Know About African Grey Parrots Diet -

Many parrots have been known to appreciate a bone with tidbits of meat on it. Apples, berries (all the same berries that you can eat), banana, oranges, seedless grapes, melons, kiwi, mango, papaya (remove the skin of the mango and papaya), almonds and unsalted peanuts or other nuts, are suitable for your parrot. And all these fruits and nuts are safe.

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Spinach, beans, sweet potato, peppers (red, green and chili), peas, lettuce (not iceberg or head), celery, collard, kale (a fantastic source of calcium), butternut, zucchini, and cucumber are the best vegetables for your African grey parrot.

Boiled eggs with the shell still on is an excellent source of protein and calcium.

DO NOT give your parrot coffee or chocolate: as it contains theobromine, an alkaloid that is poisonous to your grey. Alcohol and salty foods are also harmful to your African grey.

“Birds do not have sweat glands and as a result are not able to get rid of the iodine in their bodies.”

Furthermore, if you supply pellets, fruit, and vegetables, you don’t need to complement your bird’s food intake with other supplements. Too much vitamin could lead to a lot of problems. Before supplementing his food, see a veterinarian and avian specialist.  They are going to be in a position to instruct you if it is essential.

African Grey Parrot Hatchling - one day old -
African Grey Parrot Hatchling – one day old



“Things You Should Know About African Grey Parrots Diet”

The Author:  Dr. Jawad AhmadFacebook

Image Sources:  [1] [2] [3]


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8 thoughts on “Things You Should Know About African Grey Parrots Diet”

  1. Excellent tips! I wish more people realized that pet birds should not eat a seed mix diet, but a pelleted diet. I’d say diet was the number one reason birds become ill and have to see the vet.

  2. Haha. Those are two funny coincidences, indeed, Jennifer. lol I’m glad you checked out the post, and that you had fun with your ex-neighbor’s African Grey at the time. You must have been a good singer. Thanks so much for sharing your experience with us! Take care!


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