96-Second Baby Elephants Video Packs a Serious Message

Baby Elephants Video

This baby elephants video is short (96 seconds), but it’s got those frolicking baby elephants we all adore and never get tired of. There’s just something about watching a baby animal that we know will grow into a massive size being so small and clumsy.

But there’s an important and serious message behind this video. Did you know 96 elephants are killed every day in Africa for ivory?

Did you know 96 elephants are killed every day in Africa for ivory? You can stop it. Share on X

This World Elephant Day, August 12, people around the globe are uniting to protect and celebrate elephants. They need our help. Increasing demand for ivory is driving African forest elephants to extinction. Show your support for these amazing animals and “Go Grey.”

 Visit 96Elephants.org, and sign the pledge to ban the sale of ivory in your country.

Now watch the baby elephants video and enjoy.

That’s all for now.

Thanks for stopping by.

Baby Elephants Video


 Visit 96Elephants.org, and sign the pledge to ban the sale of ivory in your country.


96-Second Baby Elephants Video Packs a Serious Message #elephants #wildlife Share on X



I signed the pledge.  Will you do your part?



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It’s just sexy!

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Jeannie Melanson, Animal Bliss Blog

Jeanne Melanson



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Jeanne Melanson
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10 thoughts on “96-Second Baby Elephants Video Packs a Serious Message”

  1. killing an elephant should be punishable by incarceration for many years, save the elephants they don’t bother anybody,and they are intellegint.

  2. i think they are so cute, it is terrible that they kill elephants for their ivory. it should be outlawed everywhere, not just in the us like it is already. elephants have been abused for so many yrs, with the circus, etc. at least there are now some elephant rescue farms.

  3. I’ve always had a soft spot for elephants. Thought they were the most beautiful and majestic of creatures. God bless you for posting this and working toward a better future for these animals.

    • Thank you for stopping by and checking out my post, Christine. Yes, elephants truly are majestic creatures and deserve much respect. All the best to you. I hope you’ll come again soon. Peace

    • I hope it stops too, Merlinda. It’s so senseless, and the elephant is such a majestic being. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I hope you’ll come back again. Peace


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