Decoding Your Dog: What is Your Dog Telling You? [Infographic]

Decoding Your Dog

Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.”
– Orhan Pamuk, Author

While they cannot speak, dogs are incredibly expressive, emotionally-literate creatures and have many different ways of communicating with their human companions. While we dog-owners like to think that we perfectly understand our dogs, often we have little to no idea of what it is that they are trying to tell us. However, this problem can quickly be resolved by learning how to interpret several key doggie signals.

Decoding Your Dog: What is Your Dog Telling You? [Infographic]

Decoding Your Dog

To discern a dog’s state of mind, it is important to look at several things:

• Facial expressions
• Body posture
• Barks
• Ears
• Tails

When decoding your dog, it is essential to consider the context, as often the same gesture can mean different things. For example, baring teeth can be the sign of a submissive dog but if it’s accompanied by growling it could be aggression. Another example is yawning; this doesn’t always mean that your dog is tired, it can also mean they’re a bit stressed and need to calm down the excitement a bit.

Understanding the Body Language of German Shepherds

How can we as dog-owners learn how to communicate and understand our four-legged friends more effectively? The folks at Greyhounds as Pets have made an informative infographic entitled “Decoding Your Dog.” This handy graphic explains the many different ways in which dogs communicate through their facial expressions, body postures, and barks. The graph also provides guidance on how to read these signs to recognize a variety of emotions including submissiveness, fear, aggression, and playfulness.

Have a look at the infographic below to learn more!


“Decoding Your Dog: What is Your Dog Telling You? [Infographic]”

Provided by Greyhounds as Pets

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Decoding Your Dog: Do you know what your dog is telling you?

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Jeanne Melanson, founder and blogger at Animal Bliss: a very cool blog about animals - domestic pets and wildlife too


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Jeanne Melanson
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1 thought on “Decoding Your Dog: What is Your Dog Telling You? [Infographic]”

  1. I was just looking for advice on what hell my dog is trying to say to me when I came across this.

    Thanks so much for this info I’ll put it into practice ASAP.


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