Music Therapy to Calm Your Dog, Relax My Dog

Is your dog shivering under the bed during thunderstorms or when fireworks are being lit off? Or maybe he suffers from separation anxiety while you’re away, or demonstrates destructive behavior that has you pulling out your hair? Lucky for you, Relax My Dog is just the place to find relief for your pooch. Relax My Dog specializes in music therapy to calm your dog — music that soothes away anxiety and relaxes your pet to a peaceful sleep.

Dog Relaxation Music

Relax My Dog’s music is composed in-house by their team of producers and uses sound sweep technology designed to relax and calm your dog. If your dog has sleeping problems, you should try their music and watch your dog relax before your very eyes!

Music therapy can be used in a variety of situations, from consoling whimpering puppies, reducing hyperactivity, comforting sick or injured dogs, to calming them during car journeys. This music could be the relief you’ve been hoping for.

Dog owners, dog rehabilitation centers, vets and dog sitters worldwide have found this relaxation music helpful for their calming effects since 2011. With over 830,000 subscribers on YouTube, Relax My Dog has proven that dog therapy music is truly something to bark about!

Relax My Dog specializes in music therapy to calm your dog, relieving anxiety, separation anxiety and destructive behavior.

Aside from providing relaxation music for your pets, Relax My Dog also produces YouTube music and advice videos to dog owners around the world with around 8 million views a month globally. That’s a lot of relaxed dogs!

Going Through a Ruff Phase: 4 Signs Your Pooch is Low

Music to calm your dog can be found on the following YouTube channels:

Dog and cat owners can also catch Relax My Dog’s (and Cat’s) weekly vlog for fun do-it-yourself recipes and instructions!

Many people have had wonderful results for their pets from listening to therapy music. Here are a few reviews from fans:

“My dog Yoggie is always biting or jumping or barking but immediately after I put on this music he stopped and fell ASLEEP! This music is a miracle worker!” – Christina Farias

“Our mini schnauzer was very antsy when we brought her home following minor surgery. We couldn’t get her to settle down. Once we started playing this [music], her eyes got droopy and she was asleep in a few minutes.”

“Definitely helped. Amazing music. One minute she was crying and now she’s snoring happily. Thank you so much!”

“This is amazing and here’s proof that it works! This is the most incredible thing and it will just blow your mind on how quick it works. You just need it at a very soft volume as puppies have a lot better hearing. It can be so low that you could barely hear it but they do.” – Bud McCormick


“Our 2-Year-Old male Dalmatian underwent Emergency Bladder Surgery on Wednesday. He has to wear the Cone of Shame and remain quiet in his Crate. Needless to say, he is very unhappy. He has been voicing his displeasure by whining and barking constantly. We have tried everything to soothe him. Your music immediately stopped his whining and within 5 minutes he was sound asleep. He has slept for 2 hours straight. Thank you! Thank You! Thank you! Luckey’s Mom!” – Nicole Lynn Arbuckle

“Having 12 rescued traumatized dogs at home, not giving me a lot of rest as all the dogs are so timid & scared of all the firework sounds. They kept barking & running in circles to try to find places to hide, & it breaks my heart seeing them in this condition…

I tried playing some of your songs for the dogs & it worked!!!

Thank you so so much from the bottom of my heart for providing this kind of music for all scenarios. My dogs are all resting & sleeping while the fireworks are still on.” – Jeffery Tan

So there you have it. If you have a traumatized, scared, whiny, anxious, or destructive pooch, try some music therapy to calm your dog and see if your beloved pet can benefit from it.

Relax My Dog specializes in music therapy to calm your dog, relieving anxiety, separation anxiety and destructive behavior.

Check out the Relax My Dog website for ways to get free music, downloads from iTunes, or to purchase their soothing music.

You can find Relax My Dog on social media too!

Here’s to transforming your nervous, scared, anxious being into a relaxed, chilled, floppy, sleeping being, with help from this amazing therapy music to calm your dog or cat. Let us know how it goes in the comment section below.

Music Therapy to Calm Your Dog, Relax My Dog Share on X


A QUESTION FOR YOU: Does your dog suffer from anxiety, nervousness, or any of the other symptoms mentioned in this post? Would you consider music therapy for your dog?

*** Leave your comment below. ***

Jeanne Melanson
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10 thoughts on “Music Therapy to Calm Your Dog, Relax My Dog”

  1. We don’t use that particular music, BUT I do leave the radio or TV on for Sampson when we are not home. He never used to have a noise phobia until a couple of years ago when the smoke alarm went crazy. I wish they had a radio channel like this. 🙂

  2. Bear Cat usually howls the entire car ride to the vet. At first, I thought talking to him would reassure him … it wasn’t until I turned on the radio (music) – that he calmed down a bit. And the weirder thing is that it was “alternative” music which typically you wouldn’t expect to be relaxing. Same thing happened on the 4th of July. Someone was setting off fireworks near our house for 8 hours straight … Bear was frazzled so I turned on music and he passed out on his cat tree 🙂 It makes total sense – no matter my mood – music usually calms me as well.

    • It’s great to hear that Bear Cat can be soothed by music. Music is such an amazing. It has the ability to change anyone’s mood. I have music for when I want to relax, music for dancing, of course, and … music to do housework by (which is usually dance music too). Thanks for your input. Peace out.

  3. That seems like a very good idea, and if you can get some free samples, why not give it a try? There’s really nothing to lose, I think I need to try this with my crew!


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