Unique Island Animals : Evolution and Mutation

Unique Island Animals

The isolated nature of island life, with fewer natural predators and ample resources, is the perfect environment for unique island animals to evolve unique characteristics, features and behaviors.

Unique Island Animals : Evolution and Mutation : Fun Facts About the Philippine Tarsier, Those Eyes!
Tarsier, Erwin Bolwidt, Flickr

From the smallest chameleon on the planet, the Brookesia micra – believed to be so small as a result of insular dwarfism (the reduction in size caused when animals are limited to a small environment), to the other end of the spectrum with the Tree Lobster – a stick insect species that measures up to 6 inches long due to island gigantism, it is no doubt that islands are the perfect breeding ground for unique and incredible animals.

 The restricted environments also allow for genetic mutations to become widespread, as is seen in the Manx cat, a feline that lacks a tail due to a naturally occurring mutation that has become widespread.

Check out these and many more incredible animals in the infographic below. Unfortunately, as a result of habitat destruction and poaching, many of these amazing animals are currently endangered and at a high risk of extinction!

Unique Island Animals

A big Thank You! to Ryan James, IOM (Isle of Man) for allowing the use of this infographic and for writing the introduction for Animal Bliss.  Visit Isle of Man


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