What is a Blog Hop? Find out here and come join the fun!

What is a Blog Hop?

~~ aka Link Parties or Link-up Parties ~~

What is a blog hop? Well, a blog hop is a linky list that is SHARED ON MULTIPLE BLOGS.

When several blogs put the same linky list code on their blog, the exact same list appears on each blog.

Blog visitors can submit their entries on any blog that contains the list.

The entries will appear on each blog where the list resides.

Blog readers see the same list on each blog, and can “HOP” from blog to blog, seeing the same list of links to follow.

BLOG HOP! Woo-hoo!

What is a Blog Hop?

A blog hop is a set time frame where a group of bloggers post about a topic and share links to the other blogs so readers can “hop” to them.  Each blog hop is usually held on the same day every week and is usually arranged by a host and several co-hosts.

There are A LOT of blog hops around for you to join, each with varying themes and purposes.  There are book blog hops for authors, giveaway blog hops, craft blog hops, pet blog hops, inspirational, home-schooling, faith-based, wordless Wednesday, 4 Things Thursday …  Oh my goodness, so many!  Too many to list here.

I prefer animal-related hops because that’s what I’m into and what my blog is about.  The one I like is “Wordless Wednesday,” hosted by Blog Paws and is held every Wednesday. The gist of it is that you simply post an image or images of your pet(s) that speak for themselves.  No words necessary.  You add your link, and voila.

What is a Blog Hop? aka Link Parties or Link-Up Parties

Blog hops typically last one day although some may last an entire weekend and specialty blog hops may last a week or more.

You create a blog hop post on your OWN blog, then link it to the host blog, and you’re done.  You’re now on the blog hop list with all the others bloggers, and your link can be seen on each and every participant’s blog.  Hippity hop from blog to blog.

Why Should I Join a Blog Hop?

A Blog Hop can serve many purposes.  It gives you a chance to create relationships with other bloggers, interact, and ultimately grow your blog and following through these new relationships. It also gives you a chance to visit the blogs of like-minded people, follow the blogs you like, and gather ideas.

It’s a good idea to leave a comment, letting the blogger know you were there from the blog hop.  Oftentimes, they will reciprocate and visit your site as well.  Be nice.  Don’t spam.

It’s bad etiquette to just leave your link on the list and run.  Visit as many bloggers on the list as you like.  There is no set number you have to visit.

How Do I Find Blog Hops?

Many bloggers have buttons for blog hops in their sidebars, so keep your eyes open for that.  If you see one that catches your fancy, click on it and you should be brought to the site that hosts the hop where you can get more information. You can also check out my resource page that has a few blog hop links listed. (If you find a broken link, would you be so kind as to let me know? Thanks.)

Have fun!

What is a Blog Hop? aka Link Parties or Link-Up Parties, #WordlessWednesday Share on X

See also:


Are there any animals, in particular, you would like to see featured here on my blog? 

*** Leave your comment below. ***

(It’s just sexy!)

Jeanne Melanson, founder of Animal Bliss, a very cool blog about animals, domestic pets and wildlife too.

As always, thank you for taking the time to visit my blog!


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Jeanne Melanson
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17 thoughts on “What is a Blog Hop? Find out here and come join the fun!”

  1. Hey, Jeanne. Thanks for sharing your insight. I’m new to this and have learned from your article. I just checked some of your old posts and found them to be very interesting. I just bookmarked your page and I look forward to reading your future posts. Cheers!

  2. Hello Jeanne, thank so for sharing this awesome post I love reading it and I’ve learned new things every blogs you post.Keep it up!

  3. This is new information for me. I am now going to be on the lookout for the blog hop links on blogs in my genre.

    Is the a way I can search for blogs with blog hop links?

    Thank you for the new knowledge.

  4. Thanks for the info Jeanne. I should really get back into the Three Things Thursday blog hop. I found that is gave me new readers and helped motivate me to write regularly.

    • Yes, please join the next Wordless Wednesday. I don’t do them every week. It depends on my schedule. But I always get wonderful visitors such as yourself to my site from participating. Thank you so much for stopping by. 🙂


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