Why Having a Dog is Good For Your Health

Having a Dog is Good For Your Health

Guest Writer: Mila Sanchez

Hanging out on a great blog like Animal Bliss, I don’t have to convince anyone here that pets are great. I know I personally find any excuse to talk about my own animals, current and past, whenever I can because pets have always been such an important part of my life. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people out there that need convincing, especially on dogs.

Not counting those unfortunate enough to have allergies, many people still think owning a dog is dirty, too much work and a list of other excuses. But, I am here to tell them that having a dog is actually good for their health! So, if you know a dog nay-sayer, you can send them all these reasons having a dog is good for them.

Read about why having a dog is good for your health..


Gets you more active

One complaint about dogs is that they are a lot of work – they have various levels of exercise needs, which include daily walks and periodic excursions, among other activities. This is true, but that’s why they are good for you! Having a dog is a guarantee that you will be getting out of your house and into nature on a regular basis which is important for preventing occupational burnout. Sit down jobs (office jobs and whatnot), while not physically exhausting, are often very mentally exhausting, and many people want to go home and relax with some more sitting and no thinking, myself included. Having my high energy German Shepherd, that is not an option, so I have to get out and about with him, and I am healthier for it.

Helps Prevent Allergies

One of the top complaints about not having pets is allergies, and I admit it’s a legitimate concern. For moms and dads with no pets and no reason not to, they should consider getting a dog for the future health of their children. Studies have shown that owning pets in childhood can help prevent the development of allergies in the future. Young children that spend their earliest years around pets, especially dogs, who spend time outside, are exposed to more germs and bacteria from the outside than they might not encounter until they’re older, giving their immune system a chance to develop a tolerance to them. This is a great way to help prevent not only the development of allergies but also allergy exasperated asthma.

Improves Your Mood

I don’t know how anyone can argue with this point. You pet a happy, smiley, fluffy puppy and there is no way you can tell me you don’t feel better afterward. It’s science. Just petting a dog has proven to be beneficial to lowering blood pressure, slowing heart rate, and releasing muscle tension, which are all signs of reducing stress. Dogs even know when we need loving the most – studies have shown that dogs can recognize human emotions, and they react to those emotions. I know that my dog will come give me a loving nudge when he can tell I am upset about something. As someone with anxiety and depression, his ability to respond to my emotions helps me every day.

Dogs and pets, in general, are good for your health and the health of your family both physically and mentally. The next time you hear someone say otherwise, you can tell them about all of the benefits dogs can provide and to those around them. Dogs may be a lot of work, but they are worth all of it.


“Why Having a Dog is Good For Your Health”

Mila Sanchez is a writer and recent college graduate with a BA in Linguistics. Her ambitions in life include traveling the world, studying languages, and taking pictures of her dog,Guest Writer: Mila Sanchez
is a writer and recent college graduate with a BA in Linguistics. Her ambitions in life include traveling the world, studying languages, and taking pictures of her dog, Baymax. See tons of pictures of Baymax on her Instagram:


Also by Mila Sanchez:

Animal Bliss - A really cool blog about Animals - domestic pets and wildlife too.

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Jeanne Melanson, Owner Operator of Animal Bliss : a really cool blog about animals

Animal Bliss - A really cool blog about Animals - domestic pets and wildlife too.

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