Steps to Make Your Yard Safe for Your New Dog

Make Your Yard Safe for Your New Dog

When you get a new pet, it is your responsibility to make sure that your home is safe and secure for the animal. If your dog will be spending time outdoors, then this task extends to your yard. In this post, we give you four ideas to help you make your yard safe for your new dog.

Steps to Make Your Yard Safe for Your New Dog
Image: Creative Commons

Clear out any dangerous items including plants

Did you know tulips and daffodils are poisonous to canines? These flowers look beautiful in the garden, but they can be fatal to your new pet. Removing trees, bushes, and flowers that can harm your dog is necessary before you bring rover home. Pet MD says your vet can give you ideas about which plants to put in the ground if you plan to have more than grass in your yard.

Add a fence tall enough for the breed of dog

Your new dog needs a secure area to play and get fresh air. The best way to make sure your pet is safe is to add a chain link fence around your property. This style of fencing will let your dog see out and keep them safely inside the perimeter at all times. A beware of dog sign on each side of the property will let visitors know you have a pet inside the gate. Remember to fence in your swimming pool or hot tub as well to keep Fido from getting into trouble.

3 Ways to Keep Your Pet Safe in the Yard – Free to Roam

Secure trash and recycling containers

Unless you want to pick up debris constantly, it might be wise to put fasteners across your trash can lids. You can move them to the garage, outside the fence, or use ratchet straps to keep your new dog from knocking the cans over. By keeping your pet out of the trash, you avoid potential hazards like poisonous substances including paint and cleaning agents.

Add care items to make your pooch healthy and happy

Your new dog will need a fresh source of water each day. Shade is another important consideration. If you do not have a tree or doghouse, then add an awning or a cover like a plastic canopy to provide shade. Your dog can cool off whenever he or she needs it.

Making your yard safe for your new pal is easy. With these tips, you can secure your property and give your dog a happy and healthy place to exercise. Remember to check the fence regularly to make sure your dog does not dig a hole underneath where it can escape keeping the space safe. You can consult a company like, F & W Fence Company, Inc., to decide what kind of fence will keep your dog safe and secure in your yard.


Steps to Make Your Yard Safe for Your New Dog”

Guest WriterRachelle Wilber (see BIO below)

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