What are the Best Types of Floors for Pet Owners?

Best Types of Floors for Pet Owners

Guest Blogger: Lizzie Weakley

When you share your home with pets, it’s important that you select flooring that can withstand the mishaps and activity that comes with having an indoor pet as part of your family. Having indoor pets doesn’t severely limit your flooring options. There are numerous flooring materials and an abundance of flooring designs that are pet friendly. You don’t have to sacrifice beauty and style for practicality.

What are the Best Types of Floors for Pet Owners?
Jan Voigtman, Flickr

Ceramic flooring

Ceramic flooring is considered to be one of the best flooring options for a home where the family dog or cat is allowed to amble throughout the house. Scratches are not easily visible on a ceramic floor. This type of flooring is durable, stain resistant and easy to clean and maintain.

Vinyl flooring

Choosing vinyl flooring can eliminate a lot of worries that other types of flooring would cause. Vinyl is easy to clean. The even surface of vinyl sheeting eliminates concerns over fluid seepage should your pet have an accident on the floor. Two additional positive features of vinyl flooring is that it’s comfortable to stand on and it typically reduces foot traffic noise. This can be an appealing feature if the sound of large dog or puppy footsteps tends to disturb your sleep.


If you share your home with dogs and cats, you don’t have to deprive yourself of the warmth and beauty that carpet brings to a room. You do need to make your carpet choice based on its compatibility with pets. Look for stain resistant carpet that has the endurance to withstand the activity level of your pet. Large dogs, simply because of the weight, can take a toll on the carpet in a heavily traveled or frequently used area of the house. It’s also essential that you avoid options such as Berber carpet or other materials that your pet is likely to get their claws caught in.

Once you have selected the floor covering for your home, it’s best to have professionals such as those at Certified Flooring Installation, Inc. install your flooring. It doesn’t matter what type of floor covering you select, if the installation isn’t done properly, your floor won’t look attractive. Your flooring plays an important role in the appearance of your interior design. It’s also a determining factor in how well your design choice functions with your lifestyle. Your flooring and the activity level within your home need to be ideally compatible in order for you to fully enjoy your home.

What are the Best Types of Floors for Pet Owners?

Lizzie Weakley  GUEST BLOGGER:  Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. She went to college at The Ohio State University where she studied communications. She enjoys the outdoors and long walks in the park with her 3-year-old husky, Snowball.

If you like Lizzie’s writing style, follow her on Twitter @LizzieWeakley or find her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/lizzie.weakley

Other articles by Lizzie Weakley:


What are the Best Types of Floors for Pet Owners? #Pets Share on X



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16 thoughts on “What are the Best Types of Floors for Pet Owners?”

  1. Hi Lizzie!, These all the floorings are very good for pet but, I will prefer laminate wood flooring because, Wood laminate floorings are reliable, easy to clean, cost effective and easy to install.

  2. This is awesome information for anyone who has pets and may be redoing their floors soon. There are tons of options out there and each has its benefits and drawbacks for pet owners. Thanks for putting this together!

  3. in my opinion ceramic flooring is the best option fr our pet room, regarding of the durability and easy to clean. But once again, you need to adjust with your home flooring

  4. Lizzie, thanks for putting together some good flooring options for pet owners. My family recently adopted a puppy, so I would love to have something that is durable and easy to maintain. I like that you mention how scratches don’t easily show up on ceramic floors. It also seems like vinyl could be a great choice since it reduces the noise that might come from a lot of foot traffic. Hopefully, I can speak with a professional and choose the best flooring to fit my needs.

  5. I think that ceramic flooring would be the best flooring if you have pets. Like you say, scratches are not easily visible. One of the things that I hate most is when I have scratches on my floor. So, I think that I might install ceramic flooring.

  6. I like your description of vinyl floor in your article. Like you mentioned, it can be cleaned easily and reduce messes from your pet. It might not always be as durable as other options, but vinyl is one of the most resilient flooring options when it comes to pets. Thanks for the article.

  7. My wife and I are looking to buy our first home but we want to make sure that it is pet friendly. First on our list is finding the right flooring that would be safe not only for our pet but wouldn’t get ruined either. Looks like the best option here is going to be vinyl flooring. Its easy to clean and its easy for our pets to stand on.

  8. We have cats. Our house is a mix of the ceramic tile and carpet. The ceramic tiles are great. However, our cats seem to hate the carpet (claws). We hope to get rid of the carpet at some point.

  9. Thanks for all of the insight on getting the right type of floor for your pet. Specifically, you talk about how vinyl flooring can actually eliminate a lot of worries because it’s easy to clean and reduces foot traffic noise. This is something that I wasn’t aware of, but I can see how getting the right flooring, specifically vinyl, can ensure that you’re keeping your home comfortable for you to live in, but still functional for your pet. I’ll definitely look into this for my home.

    • I know what you mean. We have carpet too and sometimes I wish it was just the hardwood floors. Especially when the dogs come in wet. Wintertime is the worst. Thanks for your comment, Ashley. 🙂


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