What’s That, Boy? 4 Signs it’s Time to Take Your Pet to the Vet

4 Signs it’s Time to Take Your Pet to the Vet

A number of studies show that people who have pets enjoy better physical and emotional health, and have more opportunities to engage with others socially. But having a pet is also a responsibility, one that requires your time and attention. Even the best of care doesn’t prevent illness and injuries, and you may need a veterinarian to provide solutions for your pet’s health problems. Here are a few situations that should prompt you to take your pet to the vet to ensure your pet has the best of care.

Do you know when it's time to take your pet to the vet? Here are a few situations that should prompt you to take action to ensure your pet has the best of care.

Time for Re-Vaccinations

If it has been more than a year since your pet has been to the veterinarian, make an appointment for a check-up and to have your pet’s vaccinations updated. These immunizations are the single most important way to safeguard your pet’s health. Your vet can give you advice on the right vaccinations for your pet’s needs. Some of these are standard immunizations that every dog or cat should receive, but others offer additional protections for particular situations. For example, if you board your pet or if an outbreak of a specific disease has occurred in your area.

Stomach Distress

When your pet is throwing up, has accidents in the house or seems constipated, it’s a clear sign that something is not right, and you need to make an appointment with the vet. Often, stomach distress is a result of a dietary indiscretion, like poking around in the garbage, but internal parasites or other problem can also cause it. Your vet will do a fecal test, a possible x-ray or ultrasound to determine what’s going on in your pet’s digestive tract. Once the source of the problem is found, a suitable remedy can be provided.

Your First House Pet: Tips for Ownership and Care

Respiratory Problems

If your pet shows signs of a respiratory infection, such as a runny nose or eyes, cough, discharge from the ears, or breathing problems, you should make an appointment with your veterinary clinic immediately. Your vet will be able to determine the type of respiratory infection causing the problem and will provide an appropriate antibiotic or other treatment to get your pet back to health.

Seizures or Unconsciousness

If your pet suddenly goes into a seizure or collapses into unconsciousness, get to a veterinarian immediately. Seizures can be a sign of high fever, epilepsy or possible ingestion of a poison. If you cannot rouse your pet, he or she may have a severe neurological problem that requires intensive diagnosis and treatment. Your vet will determine what tests are needed to find the source of the problem.

Your veterinarian is your partner in keeping your pet healthy, active, and happy for many years. As a pet owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that he or she gets the veterinary care needed to prevent disease and promote good health. A yearly visit to the vet may help to avoid many problems and can help you learn the best ways to care for your animal companion.


“What’s That, Boy? 4 Signs it’s Time to Take Your Pet to the Vet”

Rachelle Wilber, Freelance WriterGuest Writer Bio: Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area. She graduated from San Diego State University with her Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Media Studies. Rachelle tries to find an interest in all topics and themes, which prompts her writing. When she isn’t on her porch writing in the sun, you can find her shopping, at the beach, or at the gym. Follow Rachelle on Twitter and Facebook

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