4 Tips for the First Time Dog Owner – For the Love of Pups

4 Tips for the First Time Dog Owner

Dogs can be incredibly loving and loyal companions. However, just like a person, they have needs that must be met to keep them happy and healthy. The following tips for the first time dog owner will help you know how to meet those needs, which may reduce the odds that your dog grows up to be shy or disobedient when it may be naturally happy and eager to listen.

Follow these tips for the first time dog owner to meet the needs of your new pup.

Photo by Jairo Alzate on Unsplash

Train Your Dog

When a dog first comes into your home, he has no idea what the rules are. It is up to you to teach him to go to the bathroom outside, teach him to avoid chasing the cats and teach him how to be gentle around guests. While older dogs may already have some training, puppies have no idea how they are supposed to behave. Therefore, you should take them to a trainer as soon as they are old enough.

Pick a Good Vet

You should take your dog to the vet at least twice a year. The person who you choose to care for your animal should have a strong track record of understanding the needs of any breed. He or she should also be able to help you work through any behavioral problems that your pup may be having. There’s a broad range of veterinarians available, from small clinics to much larger facilities like the Miramonte Veterinary Hospital. Be sure to pick something that will be able to meet your needs, as well as those of your dogs.

Never Yell at or Scold Your Dog

It is important to understand that your dog has the mental capacity of a two-year-old. This means that your dog may not understand why you are yelling at him or will learn to think of you as something to be afraid of. A scared dog is more likely to have accidents around the house, bite its owners or generally have trouble developing relationships with other humans and other animals. Instead of scolding, you can use treats to reward good behavior and ignore a dog when he’s behaving poorly.

Designate Time for Play and Socialization

Dogs are social creatures who crave attention from their owners and other animals in the house. Therefore, you should set aside at least an hour a day to exercise or play with your dog. If you are at work all day, have someone come to your home or apartment to check on and provide the dog some company for a few minutes in the afternoon or early evening.

Caring for a dog is much like caring for a child. He will need constant love, support, and attention to ensure that he has a healthy and fulfilling life. However, the love and friendship dogs provide easily outweigh the effort required to care for them.


Kara Masterson is a freelance writer from West Jordan, Utah. She graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.Guest Author Bio: Kara Masterson is a freelance writer from West Jordan, Utah. She graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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Animal Bliss - A really cool blog about Animals - domestic pets and wildlife too.

4 Tips for the First Time Dog Owner - For the Love of Pups Share on X

Animal Bliss - A really cool blog about Animals - domestic pets and wildlife too.


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