Cats have Fascinating Superpowers and Other Fun Stuff

Cats Have Fascinating Superpowers

Cats are to be appreciated for many reasons. Cats make such good pets and provide many health benefits for their owners – children and elderly alike. But did you know that cats have fascinating superpowers too?

A cat’s presence can be therapeutic to the lonely, the troubled soul, or the dying by helping to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression.  One famous therapy cat is Oscar the Hospice Cat, who has the amazing superpower ability to sense when someone is close to death. Upon sensing this, Oscar would sit vigil with the patient until their end, if conditions allowed.

Cats have Fascinating Superpowers and Other Fun Stuff
Image: Oscar, the Hospice Cat

There are approximately 500 million cats worldwide. They, along with dogs, are the most popular choice of pet for the entire population. Cats are famous for being elusive, but for those of us who have opened our homes and our hearts to cats, it’s been a joy discovering their secrets. Here are just a few examples of cats have fascinating superpowers:

– Did you know that cats have 10 superpowers?

– Or that a cat’s nose print is as unique as a human’s fingerprints?  (They’re unique enough to be able to identify a lost cat.)

– Here are 10 more facts about cats you never knew.

– And … 17 reasons to own a black cat.

If you do have a cat or are thinking of getting one, please read

Reasons Why You Should NEVER (ever) Declaw Your Cat.
The reason is so bad, many countries have outlawed it.

Some famous office cats live in the lap of luxury. Other more ordinary cats are not so fortunate and live in misery with a shortened lifespan due to being abandoned and then killed.

Should You Spay or Neuter Your Cat?
Absolutely. Here’s Why

Find out Why Adopting a Pet is a Great Thing.


Cats have fascinating superpowers and other fun stuff. Share on X


Do you have a cat? Why, or why not?

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Jeanne Melanson, Founder of Animal Bliss, a very cool blog about animals - wildlife and domestic too

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(It’s just sexy!)

Jeanne Melanson, founder and blogger at Animal Bliss: a very cool blog about animals - domestic pets and wildlife too


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