Animal Bliss Pet Blogger Challenge 2015 Blog Hop

 Animal Bliss Pet Blogger Challenge 2015

Fifth Annual Pet Blogger Challenge 2015

This is my first year of participating in the Animal Bliss Pet Blogger Challenge blog hop  I hear that last year they had over 80 bloggers take part in this, so I thought I’d give it a whirl.  It seems like a great way to network with the community of fellow pet bloggers, get inspired, make some friends, and gain new followers.

They (the Pet Blogger Challenge people) furnish us with questions.  It’s our challenge to answer them.  By doing this we can take a look at how far we’ve all come and to reflect on where we want to go in the new year.

Whether you’re a pet blogger or any other type of blogger, I hope this challenge will motivate and inspire you in your own work, whatever it may be. Let’s celebrate our successes of 2014 together and look positively toward the future.


1. How long have you been blogging? And, for anyone stopping by for the first time, please give us a quick description of what your blog is about.

I started blogging about 3 years ago in the network marketing niche but it became dull and boring for me.  I learned a lot about marketing, and blogging, but for me to be writing about it just didn’t speak to my heart.

A little over a year ago I started all over again with this blog, ANIMAL BLISS, and never looked back.  I take great pleasure in writing about my passion for animals and their welfare, and love to introduce new animals to people that might not otherwise hear about them.

ANIMAL BLISS is a blog about animals and their welfare. This includes all animals : wild & domestic  – furry, feathery & scaly – big & small –  air, land & sea.

2. Tell us one thing that you accomplished on your blog during 2014 that made you proud.

I would have to say that I’m pleased with the increased popularity of my blog.  My readers have at least tripled since I began.  My facebook page has grown insanely.  I’m proud that I am able to create content that brings people in.

3. What lessons have you learned this year – from other blogs, or through your own experience – that could help us all with our own blogs?

I’ve learned to just write.  It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just needs to be interesting.  I hear of bloggers saying they’ve spend days(!) writing one blog post.  That’s insane.  Decide what you want to write about, make a plan, and just do it.

4. What have you found to be the most successful way to bring traffic to your blog, other than by writing great content?

Sharing and promoting a post after publishing it through social media and email newsletters.  I get most of my traffic from facebook and Google search, which I think says a lot about the visibility of my blog.  You have to promote!  Otherwise, how will people find you?

5. What was your most popular blog post this year? Did it surprise you that it was your most popular?

It was my article about my Bearded Dragon, Shirley, going into brumation, which is kind of like a hibernation.  You can read it here:  Bearded Dragon Brumation Symptoms,  What should I do?  I didn’t think so many people would be interested unless they are lizard-owners themselves. But it just goes to show that people are interested in learning.  If you present them with new, different, unique things, they will come.  That’s why I write about wildlife so much.  People are curious.

6. What was your favorite blog post to write this year?

That’s probably one I did recently, “How to Stop Your Dog From Being a Lunatic in Public Places”  I sat down to write a completely different subject, but it led itself into this post.  The post features Star, my German Shepherd.  Sadly she died of bone cancer last fall at the age of 14.  She used to be a lunatic so I just shared how we overcame that.  She was such a good dog, so this article was close to my heart.

7. Has your policy on product reviews and/or giveaways changed this year?

Yes, when I first began doing reviews, I basically just wanted free stuff..  I’m more focused on animal-related products now.  It makes more sense for my blog.  However, I will do the occasional giveaway for PayPal cash, or Amazon cash or things like that.  Pet parents need money too, right?

If you do reviews, what do you find works best, and what doesn’t work at all?

I prefer to review products that people might actually want to use.  The products have to be something that I would use on my animal.  If you don’t like the product, or it doesn’t interest you all that much, then that doesn’t work itself into a good post.

8. What’s your best piece of advice for other bloggers?

Keep in mind that not everyone wants to read a diary.  It’s okay to tell your everyday stories about your pets, but make it meaningful and interesting to read. Write in a way that shows your personality.  Write as if you’re talking to someone.  Learn SEO and keyword strategy too.  Some people roll their eyes at that one, but if you want to get found on the search engines, you have to do that.  Isn’t that why you write?

9. What goals do you have for your blog in 2015?

My goal this year is to increase my following, narrow my focus even further, give my site a makeover, and get more subscribers.

10. If you could ask the pet blogging community for help with one challenge you’re having with your blog, what would it be?

I’m always interested in know what works and what doesn’t work for other pet bloggers.  I learn from visiting others’ blogs and get a lot of my ideas that way.  I would want to know how they engage their readers to comment, and maybe a monetizing question or two.

Thanks for visiting the ANIMAL BLISS Pet Blogger Challenge!  A huge thanks to all of you for making 2014 a successful year for Animal Bliss.  All the best for the coming year to all the bloggers and readers participating today.  Now go enjoy a few of the others posts in this challenge.


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Thank you!

5th Annual Pet Blogger Challenge 2015 Blog Hop

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It’s just sexy!

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Jeanne Melanson


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26 thoughts on “Animal Bliss Pet Blogger Challenge 2015 Blog Hop”

  1. Thank you for participating in the Challenge this year, Jeanne! It’s always great to meet a new blogger and congratulations for making the jump to blog about something that excites you. I’m so sorry to hear about Star’s passing. Our Shepherd, Buster, also acts like a lunatic in public on occasion, so I really appreciate your post! Like Star, he’s a great dog, and patience and training has helped him improve a lot since we found him as a stray. I hope you have a fantastic 2015!

    • I really enjoyed being a part of the Challenge, Amy. Thank you for the opportunity. It’s fun to go around and visit other pet-friendly blogs and get to know who’s out there. Glad to hear you have a German Shepherd too. I love Shepherds. They’re by far my favorite dog, and I’d jump at the opportunity to have another one. Thank you for saving Buster. Talk to you later! I’m glad you stopped by.

  2. Congratulations on tripling your readership! That’s awesome! Let’s see, what works for me? I’ve always had good luck with search engine traffic mainly because my blog answers a lot of questions in the puppy training niche. What hasn’t worked for me? I did run a Facebook campaign a few years back and I haven’t been extremely impressed with the results. It drew in thousands of new “likes”, but the majority of these new followers don’t interact much with my content.

    Good luck in 2015!

    • That’s an excellent way to get found, Colby — to answer questions in a specific niche. That’s wonderful that you have good results with that. Yes, I’ve done Facebook campaigns before as well with the same results as you. Lots of like, not much else. I’m doing well enough anyway, without spending $$ on Facebook. Woo-hoo! Thanks so much for stopping by! Take care.

  3. I love what you said about “not everyone wants to read a diary”. I keep this in mind every time I write a post, and I have found that I tend to go too far the other direction and don’t get personal enough in my posts. There’s definitely a fine line between spilling your guts and being TOO professional, and the blogs that can find that “sweet spot” are usually the most fun to read!

    Looking forward to reading more and getting to know you better this year! 🙂

    • Hey, thanks for dropping in, Christina! Yes, you’re right. It’s a very fine line, and something I need to work on myself. I tend to be more “professional” and less personal, but the plan is to change that up some. I’m glad you visited my blog today! All the best to you.

  4. I am not surprised that your post about your Bearded Dragon did so well. There are so many cat and dog bloggers out there but less people writing about reptiles. I know there are a lot of reptile owners out there though. I am glad you found writing that inspires you in this blog.

  5. Interesting to see that you started in one niche but found your heart in blogging about animals.

    I have a second blog for first home buyers, Hands on Home Buyer. It’s related to my job for a nonprofit that I love. But it’s just not as much fun as blogging about all things dog.

    See ya around Blogville.

    • So you understand where I was coming from. lol Yes, blogging about all things dog sounds like much more fun. Thanks for stopping by, Pamela. I’ll go see what’s wagging in your corner of the woods now. 🙂

  6. It was a joy reading your adventure from beginning to blog to where you are now – and I’ve read a lot of your posts by now – and still interested in more – Congratulations on your new adventure!


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