Vicious Canine: Why You Need to Take Legal Action After a Dog Bite

Vicious Canine

Taking Legal Action After a Dog Bite

Dogs are supposed to be man’s best friend and, while this is often true, there are certainly exceptions to the rule. Every day, innocent civilians find their lives drastically impacted by the attack of a vicious canine. If you’re one of the countless victims of a dog attack, you probably wonder what your next step should be and whether you should pursue legal action. While it may seem reasonable just to ignore the incident, a vicious canine attack is certainly something that needs to be addressed. If you’re unsure about pursuing legal action, we’ve put together a list of three reasons you should move forward with your case.

If you’ve been injured by a vicious canine, it's time to take legal action. -

#1. Provide for Your Medical Expenses

Anytime someone sustains an injury, it affects their livelihood. While some accidents are unavoidable, the attack of a vicious canine cannot be justified. After being bitten by a dog, you should pursue fair compensation so that you can receive money to help cover your medical bills, gasoline driving to doctor appointments, hospitalization and rehabilitation costs, and any lost wages. While your initial injury may not appear to be serious, it is impossible to know if you may be facing a future infection or severe tissue and nerve damage. Your best option is to see a doctor and contact an attorney.

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#2. Protect Others by Pursuing Justice

Many people try to be heroic and shoulder the burden of paying for the injury themselves. While this seems like a kind thing to do, it may inevitably hurt other innocent victims. When a vicious canine is left to run free, and its negligent owners go unpunished, expect others to be attacked as well. Protect local children playing outside, the elderly, your friends, and your neighbors by moving forward with a case.

#3. An Attorney Can Help

If you’re unsure about pursuing legal action, you can still talk to an attorney like those from Boling Rice LLC and let them explain your options. A personal injury attorney who understands dog bite cases will look over your evidence and advise you how to move forward.

Take action now! If you’ve been injured by a vicious canine, it’s time for you to step up and defend the rights of both yourself and others. Don’t let the dog that injured you continue to terrorize your neighborhood. Take a stand for yourself and those you love by moving forward with legal action.


“Vicious Canine: Why You Need to Take Legal Action After a Dog Bite”

Lizzie WeakleyGuest Writer: Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. She went to college at The Ohio State University where she studied communications. She enjoys the outdoors and long walks in the park with her 3-year-old husky, Snowball.

If you like Lizzie’s writing style, follow her on Twitter @LizzieWeakley or find her on Facebook at

Other articles by Lizzie Weakley:



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Lizzie Weakley
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2 thoughts on “Vicious Canine: Why You Need to Take Legal Action After a Dog Bite”

  1. It is new to me that in the uncertainty of suing the owner, a victim of a vicious dog bite must consult an attorney. My cousin just got chased down and pummeled by a pit bull in a park. We are considering approaching a dog bite attorney since we do not know what to do.

  2. Could not agree more with you Lizzie, more than getting compensation for your medical treatment, it is important for sending a strong message so that dog owners are more cautious and there are lesser victims in future.


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